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10 Places Only a Few Travelers Will Ever See

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10 Places Only a Few Travelers Will Ever See
There's something rather special about visiting somewhere few people have heard of. For the ultimate in bragging rights, this is where you intrepid adventurers should book: 10 places only a few travelers will ever see.
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6 Quirkiest Airports Around the World
Airports serve as the first impression travelers get of a country, and as such many aim to give guests a small taste of their destination. But some terminals go the extra mile to impress, offering glamorous or strange features that are more than worth the layover. From airports perched at the edge of the Himalayas to those that just might be concealing UFOs, these are some of the quirkiest airports around the world.
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5 Vacation Spots Loved by Presidents
One of the perks of the presidency comes in the form of Camp David, the official "country home" of POTUS. But that's not the only place the Presidents past have vacationed. Here are a few of our Commanders-in-Chief's favorite spots for presidential getaways.
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