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Where Do U.S. Presidents Like to Vacation?

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In collaboration with Daily Passport
Where Do U.S. Presidents Like to Vacation?
Yes, even Commanders-in-Chief need a little R&R sometimes. But where do you choose as a vacation spot when you hold the highest office in the land?
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The 5 Cleanest Cities in the U.S.
The nation's metropolitan areas are striving now more than ever to clean up their act and come up with innovative ideas for introducing eco-friendly alternatives to traditional ways of life. From tropical islands to coastal enclaves, and some of the largest cities in the country, here are a few of the cleanest cities in the U.S.
Go Green
10 Souvenirs You Should Actually Buy in Europe
Buying a souvenir is the perfect way to commemorate a trip. But instead of accumulating more shot glasses, fridge magnets, and miniature snow globes, consider making a conscious effort to buy souvenirs that actually have a purpose next time you go on an adventure. To get you started, here are 10 souvenirs you should actually buy in Europe.
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